Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Broadside Contest Entrant #4: ELISE SWANSON OCHOA

Come One Come All

Welcome to the museum of Dr. Swanson.

Within the museum you will see

me deep at work as the guardian of the “windows of the soul.”

I am an optometrist.

I protect the eye,

I worship the eye,

I know all of its ways and means.

In the space of an hour’s time, watch me transform

From optometrist 

to judge, teacher, ER doctor, therapist,

As from room to room we go:

The first room to your right, is the room of Dr. Swanson, the judge.

A sure, stiff, admonishing me.

“I don’t need glasses; I don’t drive at night.” 

I am the judge here and you are guilty.

Guilty of endangering others with your conceit.

I pound my gavel and declare 

that your long, nearsighted eyes are a danger to society

and must be behind lenses without probation.

The second room on the left is the room of Dr. Swanson, the teacher.

A wise, educated, counseling me.

“My son is falling behind in school, what’s to be done with him?”

I am the teacher here and I advise the frowning parents

He means well, the little boy.

His eyes strain too much for his five years.

We need to help them relax and focus. 

Take these glasses and watch him bloom.

The room at the end of the hall is the room of Dr. Swanson, the ER doctor

A sharp, quick-witted, encyclopedic me.

“I am in so much pain, my eye, please help.”

I am the expert here, strong in front of the writhing patient.

I know what caused your eye such pain. 

The veins throb, let the tears fall.

With drops and prudent words, I offer:

Here is my plan and together we will heal your precious eye.

The last room, the most taxing of rooms, is the room of Dr. Swanson, the therapist

A tender, soft-hearted, conciliatory me.

“Life is hard. I fear the stress has weakened my eyes.”

I am an empathetic ear, tell me more, dear one.

Your eyes are not weak, you are not weak.

Let me show you, in sharp, blissful clarity

what life has in store, yet.

Please, take your eyes and your independence back.

As from room to room we go,

doors opening, doors closing,

I am an optometrist.

Dr. Swanson, the guardian of the “windows to the soul.”

I protect the patient,

I worship the patient,

I know all of their ways and means.

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